

Ok so there’s been a pandemic…I’ve had to shelter in place with two little kids in a small condo suite, I’ve escaped to the northern regions of our province to find freedom on a family farm, I’ve sent my kids back to school during a pandemic, and now I’m back to work at the gym…for now! I am not teaching any group fitness right now as I couldn’t imagine juggling the logistics of having kids sent home at next to no notice and having to duck out of running classes because of it….and now most classes are put on hold anyways because of the rising numbers of COVID-19 in our province right now.

This is a trying time, but I have finally had a little more time since school started for my little munchkins to reassess what I am doing, and what I want to do, with my career. I am revamping my website a bit today to represent my new focus. I want to work with woman, particularly those who have born children, who once were athletes but don’t compete anymore, and want to rebuild their confidence to “play” in life again. There is something so fulfilling in playing sport, any sport, when you are an athlete. You are “in the moment”, your body just does what it knows how to do, and it feels sooooo good! But…then you have kids and your body changes, and then you get older and your body changes some more. You are still an athlete though-your body can still move and work and when it does it just “feels right.” But damn-it you get hurt, and the hurt lasts. I want to help woman learn how to honor their body now, it’s capabilities and its limitations. I want to connect with moms and talk about kids, struggles, and things we’re learning as parents. Holy cow - to couple being who you once were to who you are now and enjoy it through working out together. It will be good:)

Working out the bugs;)

Our first Full-fit-ness workout was a success yesterday at Harbour Park! Not only was I keeping everyone moving, so were the mosquitoes-doh! It definitely could have been worse:) There was a great turn out and we raised a solid amount of cash for a local youth worker we’re supporting with all the donations received. Thank you everyone!! See you next week at another surprise park-likely with way less bugs;)

It's official!

I’ve announced and now created a registration for my first ever Full-Fit-Ness group class! Yayyy!!!!!!! I’m not super-techy but here’s to hoping that it all works (the registration part…I’ve got the teaching the class part pretty nailed down now;)

New Classes

Hello friends! Look for new class details being added in the next week.

Its about time

Boom!  I'm finally back!!!!  Both my kids will be in school (of some sort) in the fall - and they are now capable of being without me for a longer period of time and still be well adjusted afterwards;)  Personal parenting goal acheived!  Family has become forefront to me over the past 5 years and so my carreer has taken a back seat, and I am totally ok with it.  I have continued to teach a few classes throughout but only a couple of hours a week when I could generate help from close freinds and family.  I love people, l love watching the development of people, and especially love taking part in that process.  It has been amazing watching my kids develop and I am ready to take part in the developement of new individuals now too. 

6 months in!

I'm officially half way through my Maternity Leave and have a beautiful, strong little 5 month old girl!  I'm starting to prepare for returning to work and am currently starting to train my birth-beaten body back into shape!  Wow, having a baby kicks your butt!!!! 

I am so glad to have experienced the birthing process as well as the aftermath of it all (in my opinion that's the hard part) and am ready to get back into those spandex and hit the mat!  I am learning a lot about rehabbing a damaged core (I have Diastasis Recti) and am pumped about sharing what I have learnt with many of my clients to come! 

Cheers everyone and see you soon! 

Pre & Post Natal Certified

It's official - I am about one month away from having my first baby and am now certified to instruct and train other mommies-to-be!  I took the course with Fit 4 Two out of Vancouver and they were fantastic, thank you Melanie Osmack for your great instruction!!

It is incredible what staying active does for pregnancy and your body! I can't wait to share the benefits of what I have learnt through formal training as well as my personal preganancy experience with others! 

Hanging up the Spin Shoes

Last night I taught my last spin class of the year.  I'm trading in my spin shoes for a belly belt.  Well not quite that, but it's time to pull back and let my body grow for the next few months before baby is born.  I'm going to miss teaching, though I am looking forward to using this time to build new classes and go to others to pick up some new ideas.  Market Research;) Thank you to all of you who were regular attendees at my classes over the past year and a half at Ladner Leisure, I had a blast working with you!!! 

domain linked!!!

Anyone who is not a computer genius may understand this - but I am pretty stoked on finally figuring out how to link my domain to my was no easy feat!  Hahaaaa, the world of social media is at all of our finger-tips, but only the select few can navigate it with ease...I'm afraid I'm not one of them! (yet)

I've got so many ideas; it's cool watching other small buisnesses plunge into the sea of online advertisement and learn from what they are doing.  I know that going to buisness school would be - and will be as I am taking a course here and there - an increadible benefit.  But it is truely amazing how much one can learn by just sitting back and watching and dialoguing with other like-minded individuals travelling down the same path.  Thank you Anne and Mark in particular ( ) for your words of wisdom and insight as I start out into this new realm of buisness and social media!

Website Up

I've been humming and hawing about starting a website for my up and coming buisness and here I am...tonight...building one! Yeah!!!! It's the beginning of something great and I can't wait to see what develops of this little brain-child of a fitness buisness of mine. Keep posted and we can all see what happens!

Cheers and thanks for reading,​
