Personal Training

Personal Training

I can help you rebuild your strength and teach you how to Maintain it. 

The Process:

  1. A Call: This first call we’ll get to know each other and talk through any questions you may have about the paperwork you have received. 

  2. A “Face-to-Face” Meeting (Virtually or In Person): At our first face-to-face meeting we’ll do some fitness talk about goals and dreams, and do some fitness assessments. - This is a 1.5 hour charged session

  3. A Session: At our second meeting I will introduce you to your first personalized program and coach you through it. This will be the first of our training sessions together!  - Training sessions are 1-1.5 hours and charged by the hour.

Pricing :

Training Session - $85/hr

* Monthly Charge - $130 -Included in the pricing is workout programming and personal online support from me throughout the week.

I use an online training platform called "TrueCoach" where your workouts are built (by myself) and where I can see your progress as you complete your workouts . This makes my training "hybrid"! I work with you "in person" during our training sessions and then "virtually" from within the ap on the "in between".

Here is a tutorial for you to get an idea of what to expect from the ap.

*All agreed upon payments are to be made in advance of training sessions and programming. *

A quick testimonial:

Megan is a dedicated and incredibly knowledgeable trainer who is constantly looking for ways to improve our workouts together. If I had an injury, Megan would take into consideration our goals and modify the workout so that we could continue our work together. If I was tired she would push me just enough to get me moving again. Megan would also make me laugh and keep things light and fun. I still hear her voice in my ear telling me to “squeeze those oranges!” and “keep going! Only one more to go.....”, although I sometimes think the latter is just her lack of ability to count, bahaa.

For me, training is also an escape: an escape from my every day stressors and place where I can focus just on me. The workouts are always challenging and if they become too easy then Megan changes it up. The past year has been incredibly difficult for me and training with Megan has had a profound effect on my mental health wellbeing. It has also helped me be able to sleep better which means I’m able to be there, both mentally and physically, for my children during the day.

All this to say, the biggest impact that training with Megan has had on my life is simply that - she makes working out fun, keeps me grounded so that I can be there for my children, and motivates me to keep going even though it is challenging.
— Gaenor C