Anyone who is not a computer genius may understand this - but I am pretty stoked on finally figuring out how to link my domain to my was no easy feat! Hahaaaa, the world of social media is at all of our finger-tips, but only the select few can navigate it with ease...I'm afraid I'm not one of them! (yet)
I've got so many ideas; it's cool watching other small buisnesses plunge into the sea of online advertisement and learn from what they are doing. I know that going to buisness school would be - and will be as I am taking a course here and there - an increadible benefit. But it is truely amazing how much one can learn by just sitting back and watching and dialoguing with other like-minded individuals travelling down the same path. Thank you Anne and Mark in particular ( ) for your words of wisdom and insight as I start out into this new realm of buisness and social media!